Jonathan_S wrote:I think there's a better sensor range number somewhere, but the first I found was the liner Artemis easily observed the destroyer Hawkwing during her unannounced drill at 30 lightseconds -- basically 9 million km.
And even by the Beta bands, with their 767x compression factor, that 30 LM visibility should see any ship that enters the Beta bands (and brings up it's wedge) from within 6.4 light hours of normal space around your ship. And given that Manticore's hyper limit is less that 1 light hour across; a warship sitting at the hyper limit in the Beta bands (or higher) should see any conventional ship entering or leaving the system in its hyper band. (But we've never seen that actually happen in the books)
In the Alpha bands the compression ratio isn't high enough for a single ship to monitor the entire perimeter, even in theory. If sitting on the hyper limit I think a warship would "only" be able to see about 20% - 25% of the periphery of the hyper limit -- but working out the exact answer seems like it'd be a bit annoying (not knowing a ready-made formula for calculating the percentage of the surface area of a sphere that lies within another sphere)