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What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.

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Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by lyonheart   » Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:29 pm

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Hi Armed Neo-Bob,

The discussion of RFC's implied Mk-16 equipped Light Cruiser has been ongoing for several years, and while currently derailed by the OB raid, suggesting it mass be around 282-336 KT [1.5 times the Roland to the midpoint between a Roland and a Sag-C] and carry some 20-24 broadside missile tubes with 600 Mk-16's has been touted here and at the bar many times.

While Roland's were stated somewhere as taking a couple years before construction resumed, that was before Beowulf and Haven stepped in to help.

So I wonder how long before such a CL might be built now.

RFC has posted how the SEM will be well back on its feet within 5 years, ie producing SDP's in some numbers etc, so I expect all lesser classes to be in volume production well before then, and given the promise of the Roland, a Mk-16 CL makes a lot of sense, in lieu of Nike's etc that are still too big to be available as soon as the increasing requirements demand.


Armed Neo-Bob wrote:
JeffEngel wrote:While I'm at it - For that next generation unit, if they are building it a bit larger than a destroyer, they may want to build it with some modular elements. For instance, with quarters/storage that can be configured without terribly trouble for either (1) flag staff and systems, (2) a Marine detachment, (3) additional stores for longer patrols, (4) (this one is a bit wilder, granted) systems to service and monitor a larger number of recon drones, for scouting work.

It wouldn't help in a case when you just have to go do a job with elements you cannot predict ahead of time, like Saltash, or even one where you wouldn't have the time for a minor refit. What it would do is leave the RMN with a better mix of mass production and unit diversity. They've traditionally satisfied that with a mixture of units of different generations with different emphases, and the whole range of destroyers through battlecruisers, at some times even frigates through battleships. But the MDM is squeezing the range of viable warships, with a far higher minimum floor, at 300-400 ktons. A more modular 300-400 kton "new light cruiser" or "heavy frigate" may be a way to satisfy that need for diversity at or around that higher tonnage floor. (For names, they may build that modular basis and use the destroyer/light-cruiser/whatever label depending on the module(s) used.)


I agree that meeting all of the missions of light ships with just one unit -- especially one with MDMs-- will end up being the long awaited 300K ton vessel (I vote for "Sloop!"). However, please avoid the nomenclature "heavy frigate." The sound of that seems to invite invoke the "Ghost of Lord Skimper's Past Posts." :D

And I do read his posts; however irrational he sounds, he thinks outside the box, and the people responding are interesting.

Ok, we're crossing posts, so I will comment on the other one here, too.

The main reason people are so hot for Marines to have been included at Saltash, is hindsight. It is worth remembering that until recently, the Manticoran Navy had sufficient presence (and Manticore had sufficient economic clout with the home ministries) that Dueñas' own superiors would have hung him out to dry. With the wormhole network closed, Monica, Spindle, and the whole Havenite War front to worry over, he figured on getting sliding through the cracks. As some one I liked put it, "too many fires and not enough people to piss on them."

I think it is safe to say that neither Mike nor Dueñas really expected a boarding action; Zavala grossly outmassed the destroyers there, Dueñas' refusal to admit his failure isn't rational. Your post seems to think it was inevitable; but it just another instance of abject stupidity. To paraphrase another person I like, "What mistakes have the Sollies avoided?"

Grist for the mill.

YMMV, of course.

Last edited by lyonheart on Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by Jonathan_S   » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:32 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:
lyonheart wrote:If you think the MK-16's probably take up too much space, there are only 240 of them and assuming they're only 20% broader in diameter than the CA Fearless's 78 ton missiles that were 11 meters long and a meter in diameter [just over a meter longer than the CL Fearless's 70 ton missiles], to handle the mini fusion reactor etc for their 94 ton bulk; their volume is less than 12.5 cubic meters, and even tripling their volume to account for the ammunition storage and handling equipment, they still total less than 1% of the Roland's apparent volume while their mass is just under 12% of the ship's.
Those Mk-16's were large enough that the Roland had to be designed for firing them only through the hammerheads. The Fearless' missiles (such as they had, but the point applies in full force to the pre-refit fit) had no problem firing broadside. So there's that reason to suppose that they're much larger in volume - or more specifically, that the total firing system is vastly larger. How much and how, someone else may know better than I do or can find right now.
Also, the Roland is probably carrying a lot more (proportionately) CMs than the Star Knights did. It mounts 77% the CM tubes(20 vs 26 CM tubes) on only 61% the tonnage (188,750 vs 305,250 tons). And it expects to be able to use 50%-100% of them against most missile salvos (single or double broadside); whereas the Star Knight never expected to use more than 8 at once (single broadside).

Given that higher utilization, plus the longer range of CMs now, and the higher missile threat level, it quite possibly carries at least as many CMs per tube as the old Star Knights.
So I'd guess that combo probably means a fair bit of internal volume is devoted to CM magazines - much more proportionately than on the CA Fearless. (But I admit not doing a text-ev search to see if it gives a number for CM's carried by Rolands. The SITS/Jaynes books say the Star Knight carried 1534 total; or 59 per tube)
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by Brigade XO   » Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:46 pm

Brigade XO
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I recall the Royal Navy used to have Destroyer Leaders as an upsized DD for the commander of a Destroyer Squadron. Essentialy the same weapons but with greater size and space included for the squadron commander. Not a CL tasked to be the command platform for the commander.

This makes sense if you are going to deploy a squadron somewhere and need the squadron command structure/support staff without essentialy overloading one of the DD's with extra people not involved in the day-to-day operation or fighting the ship. You do want your attached command ship to match the logistics needs of the rest of the squadron, the difference being that it would only need more of the same things (fuel, food, ammunition etc).

Your alternative is to actualy take a CL or similar sized ship and put your Squadron Flag with staff on that.
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by Weird Harold   » Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:14 pm

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Brigade XO wrote:I recall the Royal Navy used to have Destroyer Leaders as an upsized DD for the commander of a Destroyer Squadron. Essentialy the same weapons but with greater size and space included for the squadron commander. Not a CL tasked to be the command platform for the commander.

That was the theory, but they didn't build enough of them for the need and so they tasked older CLs with flagship duties for DD deployments.

That's the reason Rolands all have Flag Decks.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by n7axw   » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:44 pm

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lyonheart wrote:Hi Don,

Comparing a BC's 2200+ crewmen to a Roland's nominal ~71 seems a bit extreme. ;)

Albeit 71 is up 14.5% from the 62 of RFC's old post on the Roland.

I'd expect the Wolfhound's 87 crewmen to include at least a couple squads of marines, who also operate some of the ship's grasers etc.

Given what they do, DD's should have a marine contingent, the navy credo "serve aboard Destroyers to see what the navy is really about" still has [or should have] some basis even 2000 years in the future.

So it should have been done already.

The War Maiden's crew was far larger than any Roland's, if it wasn't a third again the CL Fearless's [ie 8-9 times the Roland's], I'll be surprised.

The empty unused space aboard each non-flag Roland screams out for marines, and a single squad would also have too much space, so two squads makes more sense.

But then Abby and Mateo wouldn't have such fun. ;)


n7axw wrote:These things are destroyers, guys. I won't go so far as to say what what everyone is suggesting can't be done. But I do wonder if we are talking about BCs in disguise.

The thing is, Rolands are small. They have been upsized a bit to allow to carry a decent load of Mark 16s along with the tubes to launch them. And yes there is a flag bridge. But I bet the thing is pretty cramped, probably more like the auxillary bridge on the old War Maiden with only the bare bones a flag officer would need to do his job. As far as a separate mess for flag officers, I bet not. If it's important for them to eat separately, if I were the designer, they would be eating on different shifts than the rest of the crew rather than separate Places.

Do you need Marines? Arrange separate transport for them and their gear. Also, Rolands probably are not going to be deployed solo. A squadron or a division, yes. In that case, they probably need transport for extra missiles anyway.

Maybe what you guys are suggesting is doable and sometimes its a case of needs must. But my bet is that no one would try it unless there was absolutely no other choice.


That mention of BCs was strictly tongue in cheek. With all of the places posters were suggesting that Marines be stuffed, the size of that poor little Roland seemed to be expanding pretty fast!

As for the question at hand, best to deploy Rolands in divisional strength minimum and have fast transport/freighter/COLAC attached for missiles, Marines, etc., etc., etc.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by stewart   » Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:58 am

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Weird Harold wrote:
Brigade XO wrote:I recall the Royal Navy used to have Destroyer Leaders as an upsized DD for the commander of a Destroyer Squadron. Essentialy the same weapons but with greater size and space included for the squadron commander. Not a CL tasked to be the command platform for the commander.

That was the theory, but they didn't build enough of them for the need and so they tasked older CLs with flagship duties for DD deployments.

That's the reason Rolands all have Flag Decks.


USN classified its larger DD's as DL's prior to re-alignment in the late 1970's. The smaller DL's became DDG's (usually because they had effective Surface-to-Air capability) and the larger DL's / DLG's became CG's.
Example -- USS California was orig commissioned as DLGN-36 and became CGN-36.
When the USN decided to put Flag quarters on California Class (and the CGN38 Virginia class), usually a classroom or crew lounge was expropriated for the berthing.

-- Stewart
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by lyonheart   » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:02 am

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Hi Jonathan_S,

Honor-wikia puts the number of CM's on board the Roland at only 800, or 40 per tube, which makes sense; if you need that many before restocking after an engagement, or one that long [over 5 minutes], more won't help.

Bu9 has stated the latest Mk-31 CM is actually smaller or lower weight than the 12.5 ton 1 million km, and we don't know what the tonnage of the 1.5 M km CM's of Monica were for any kind of comparison.

The 1534 you cited for the Star Knight seems more for crew morale than a number that ever will be or could be effectively used even on a long patrol with multiple engagements since its attack missiles are only around 600 as I recall, too few for many engagements.

A 50/50 or even a 1-2 ratio of Mk-31's and Vipers could be very effective dealing with apparently overwhelming numbers of incoming missiles if not pod equipped enemies.


Jonathan_S wrote:*quote="JeffEngel"**quote="lyonheart"*
If you think the MK-16's probably take up too much space, there are only 240 of them and assuming they're only 20% broader in diameter than the CA Fearless's 78 ton missiles that were 11 meters long and a meter in diameter [just over a meter longer than the CL Fearless's 70 ton missiles], to handle the mini fusion reactor etc for their 94 ton bulk; their volume is less than 12.5 cubic meters, and even tripling their volume to account for the ammunition storage and handling equipment, they still total less than 1% of the Roland's apparent volume while their mass is just under 12% of the ship's.
Those Mk-16's were large enough that the Roland had to be designed for firing them only through the hammerheads. The Fearless' missiles (such as they had, but the point applies in full force to the pre-refit fit) had no problem firing broadside. So there's that reason to suppose that they're much larger in volume - or more specifically, that the total firing system is vastly larger. How much and how, someone else may know better than I do or can find right now.
*quote**quote*Also, the Roland is probably carrying a lot more (proportionately) CMs than the Star Knights did. It mounts 77% the CM tubes(20 vs 26 CM tubes) on only 61% the tonnage (188,750 vs 305,250 tons). And it expects to be able to use 50%-100% of them against most missile salvos (single or double broadside); whereas the Star Knight never expected to use more than 8 at once (single broadside).

Given that higher utilization, plus the longer range of CMs now, and the higher missile threat level, it quite possibly carries at least as many CMs per tube as the old Star Knights.
So I'd guess that combo probably means a fair bit of internal volume is devoted to CM magazines - much more proportionately than on the CA Fearless. (But I admit not doing a text-ev search to see if it gives a number for CM's carried by Rolands. The SITS/Jaynes books say the Star Knight carried 1534 total; or 59 per tube)
Last edited by lyonheart on Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by stewart   » Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:03 am

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Weird Harold wrote:
Brigade XO wrote:I recall the Royal Navy used to have Destroyer Leaders as an upsized DD for the commander of a Destroyer Squadron. Essentialy the same weapons but with greater size and space included for the squadron commander. Not a CL tasked to be the command platform for the commander.

That was the theory, but they didn't build enough of them for the need and so they tasked older CLs with flagship duties for DD deployments.

That's the reason Rolands all have Flag Decks.


I suspect that on the non-flag Rolands (like Tristam) the flag deck is utilized as a full-scale simulator.

-- Stewart
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by lyonheart   » Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:17 am

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Hi Armed Neo-Bob,

I also agree I haven't heard any criticism of the Avalon, my only nit was the reference to Aegis being a third the mass of the Hexapuma somewhere in SoS or the pearls, not the 146KT in HoS.

Given the textev in SFtS and HoS that the Roland was fitted with extensive flag command and control precisely so it could operate as a DD squadron flagship before Janacek agreed to it, because of the experience in the first Haven war without a suitable DD squadron flagship, while having 485 DD's at the start.


Armed Neo-Bob wrote:
JeffEngel wrote:I think they built the Roland as a destroyer and meant it as one, and find themselves using it as a light cruiser - in part because they do need it for light cruiser duty (which in today's RMN, includes eating battlecruisers as needed, and eyeing Solly SD's with a certain hungry curiosity). They need it for the light cruiser duty because they've got so very many light cruiser missions, and the newest CL's proper are disappointments.

I never read anything about disappointment over the Avalons; but the only one we've seen was Aegis.

Actually, according to HoS, the Admiralty was very satisfied with it (Avalon-class), insofar as traditional light cruiser missions go. But, most of them are deployed to Silesia, in Sarnow's fleet. Along with most of the Kammerling class Marine transports. They are off-camera, so it is sort of hard to know why the Admiralty is happy with them, or the sorts of jobs they are doing.

With a lot of Silesia in their own possession, you can picket the systems instesd of escorting ships en route; you then need flagships for light forces, and the RMN didn't build any destroyer or light cruiser flagships.

If it was the Janacek crowd, I would guess that is because a Commodore ought to have a proper place to hang his hat. With the White Haven Admiralty, it is just another reason to build Roland, not Wolfhound. In Silesia, Rolands are probably mixed-flotilla flagships.

Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: What did Captain Zavala do next? and the SL's reaction.
Post by lyonheart   » Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:22 am

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Hi Brigade XO,

Several European navies had DL's that were slightly to somewhat bigger than the DD's they led, while the IJN used some very small CL's as DD flotilla leaders [2 DD squadrons, IIRC].

RFC is very familiar with all these traditions, which is why you see variations in the honorverse.


Brigade XO wrote:I recall the Royal Navy used to have Destroyer Leaders as an upsized DD for the commander of a Destroyer Squadron. Essentialy the same weapons but with greater size and space included for the squadron commander. Not a CL tasked to be the command platform for the commander.

This makes sense if you are going to deploy a squadron somewhere and need the squadron command structure/support staff without essentialy overloading one of the DD's with extra people not involved in the day-to-day operation or fighting the ship. You do want your attached command ship to match the logistics needs of the rest of the squadron, the difference being that it would only need more of the same things (fuel, food, ammunition etc).

Your alternative is to actualy take a CL or similar sized ship and put your Squadron Flag with staff on that.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!

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