George J. Smith wrote:Honor mused whilst in her runabout on the way to Blackbird, about the stars red shifting as the light from them was affected by the wedge, if that is the case what affect would the grav waves eddies in the exit lane have on the beams from the laserheads?
Wedges block any know weapon including lasers. But they seem to be much more concentrated grav shear than the grav wave eddies from a wormhole. We certainly know that energy combat is possible within a normal grav wave. And given how quickly Harvest Joy was destroyed, and the description on Junction defenses, it seems the same is true for termini grav eddies.
So transiting attackers can use (and be targeted by) energy mounts. But defensive forts should be far enough back that they’re out of effective energy range - at least against sidewalls. So the attacker’s ability to user their lasers and grasers should be irrelevant.