Please forgive me for pretending I have a literary license to shorten your name on occasion to TM. My most humble apology and an assurance of no intended disrespect.
ThinksMarkedly wrote:
I don't think you've done the math on this.
No need to think. I can assure you I don't allow my slipstick within a parsec of a sci-fi novel.
ThinksMarkedly wrote:For a missile to go from a standing start to 0.9c in 3 minutes (a three 60-second stage full power burn), discounting the subject of this thread, it needs to accelerate at 152,000 gravities and will cover just over 8 million km. That's close enough a value for existing technology to achieve in a reasonable time frame, but 3 minutes is long enough for every single ship to bring up their sidewalls, acquire locks, interpose wedges, launch wave after wave of CMs, and for the Combat Space Patrol LACs to position themselves for an intercept. Remember BC and above RMN ships can defend themselves with interposed wedges due to Keyhole.
To do the same in 60 seconds, it needs to go to 458,000 gravities. If current burn-out rates are linear (1/3rd the time is 2x the acceleration), the MAlign would need a 1.5x improvement in impellers over current state of the art. Doable, but starts to become unlike. And 60 seconds is still plenty of time for sidewalls, full action stations, and a partial rotation to interpose the wedge.
Are you sure about that? You seem to be attributing superhuman abilities to humans and technology. You are telling me that a fleet or ship that is completely oblivious to an attack in a total time of peace, a fleet that is sharing birthday cake of one of the officers, can suddenly shake off their shock, launch LACs and the LACs can get into position, and the XO can give orders to the helmsman (because the Captain is in her quarters) and the helmsman can react and the ship can respond all in three minutes? The human brain needs time to process the impossible, the improbable and the unlikely. See Chin in
At All Costs. Assuming!...the wedges are magically even up anticipating a sucker punch! On top of that, are you absolutely certain software can cope with these, insane, acceleration rates???
ThinksMarkedly wrote:Anything above 450,000 gravities is stretching the imagination. The MAlign has not been researching impeller improvements that deeply, as far as we know. We'd have seen some bigger breakthrough in the Cataphracts than we've seen so far, for example.
At least not onscreen, so thanks for adding the qualifier, "as far as we know." Cataphracts would not represent the state of the art MAlign design. No Navy wants to serve any wine before it's time.
TM wrote:A million gravities in the next 10 T-years is ludicrous. They might as well go to plaid.
So sayeth every Solarian from the Sol system to the Haven sector and all points in-between regarding RMN tech until they were killed by...plaid.
TM wrote:BTW, given that RMN ships can fire and defend themselves with interposed wedges, they should always maintain with wedges perpendicular to the ecliptic (picture a TIE fighter). The acceleration vector perpendicular to the line where the wedges' extensions meet astern of the ship, so the ship does not have much reason to keep the open aspects to the plane of the ecliptic. The Ghost Riders should provide plenty of information, even if Keyhole is not deployed.
Uh huh, after they can bring the wedge up. As I understand it a three minutes sucker punch ain't gonna given sitting ducks enough time. Byng would be proud.
My Porsche 911 had a governor limited top speed, but I could reach that top speed much faster and in a much shorter distance than the average car. It had gobs of passing speed.
TM wrote:The analogy is not a good one. You're not really comparing how fast a regular street car and a Porsche 911 can accelerate to each other. That's about a 3x to 4x increase (quick Google search shows a Porsche 911 can do 0-100 km/h in 2.6 seconds, which is just under 4x for compared to a "tame" 10 seconds). Your proposal is well past 10x and there's nothing that can do it under 1 second, not even a Formula 1 with a fully charged MGU-K.
I wasn't going for a perfect analogy. Again, someone is missing the forest for the analogy. The analogy did what it was designed to do. It put you in the ballpark of what I am proposing. Instead of your trite dismissal of it as nonsense.
Suddenly I see why people hate Manticore. They always win. And nobody can have better tech. Even when the MA's stealth is obviously better, many are still in denial. If someone in the forum would have posited an enemy with the MA's tech before it was introduced, it would have been impossible. Although GA missiles also achieve the impossible.
ThinksMarkedly wrote:You have to posit a plausible scenario by which the technology breakthrough happened. RFC has been very careful in extending the technology in such a way it is believable and builds upon previous hints. The spider drive and the MDM are so far the only that aren't Black Swans (i.e., you can't simply say it's a logical extension of where the state of the art was). The streak drive was explained as pure brute force and we know hyperspace bands had been cracked 7 times before in the past.
True, I can't say it is a logical extension of RMN tech. I can say it would be a consistent habit of the MA to think outside the box. And, having their location classified, not operating on a time schedule while fighting for its life, able to work on tech sporadically for centuries allows them to accomplish what the average Navy doesn't have time to do. Even if that other Navy has the motivation or insight. We're talking Alphas, baby.
ThinksMarkedly wrote:I'm not saying a missile accelerating at 2 million gravities is impossible.
As long as we got that straight, I consider it a home run.
TM wrote:As far as we know, there is no limit to how fast an impeller wedge could accelerate an object. But a 10x improvement on a very mature technology in less than one decade defies belief. If we're going to start imagining implausible weapons, why not a particle or graser beam that keeps coherency up to 10 million km? Or an FTL missile? Or maybe make TWTSNBN work over long distances?
Implausible weapons, so sayeth that same, perhaps, soon to be enlightened Solarian. As far as the rest - except for Voldemort, because he ruffles the author's feathers - why not? I wouldn't put anything past the dynamic duo during peace.
Oh, and yes, per your post a click or so upstream Jonathan, there is still a little room for more top speed. What's ignoring relativistic effects a bit more and coming even closer to c? The difference is what Navy gets an allocation of handwavium?
TM wrote:I suspect the 0.8 and 0.9 particle shield limits exist so that RFC does not have to keep a hyperbolic motion calculator at hand. Though I'd be glad to give him a spreadsheet with the formulae, at least for linear motion (2D gets way too difficult).
In-universe, even missiles have a top speed. Interplanetary space is not empty, it's full of light and matter. As you approach the speed of light, said dust will abrade your missile considerably, not to mention the kinetic energy of the impact of them is terrifying (see discussion with Loren).
Agreed, but those limitations were reached long ago. See my sentiments of missiles operating in a veritable minefield of debris in the aptly named thread. But somehow matter has
never seemed to...matter.
I almost forgot. Shorter engagement ranges means the impellers do not have to hold up as long.