Roguevictory wrote:namelessfly wrote:
None of us are suggesting that the SLN will be able to win a decisive victory in hyperspace combat that allows them to win the war. However; hyperspace,especially a gravity wave, isthe venue that negates the GA's advantae in long range missile combat. It could result in battles that are interesting to the reader and may be buy the SLN time.
Perhaps but would slowing the GA down really help? I mean if I understand correctly the GA will be producing Ships of the Wall faster than the SLN and have a massive tech advantage. Unless the defeat slows them down enough for the SLN to catch up techwise which I believe will take over a decade it might actually hurt more than help.
Well, fighting in Hyperspace is, unfortunately, practically the only place where SLN heavy units (i.e. SD's) can engage Alliance heavy units with an hope of success. Even there it's a tricky proposition but hyperspace gives the SLN options both for success and survival that n-space doesn't offer.
No, I don't think you do understand correctly when estimating construction rates. With the yards and supporting industrial infrastructures gutted both at Manticore and Greyson, only the Andermani and Haven yards remain active and operational. While these yards can still produce a number of vessels, their production would pale beside the capabilities of the League. Whether they continue to build current designs is a question, but there's really not much of a debate that the League could, if it mobilized, swamp Alliance production. Even only partially mobilized as it is now, it shouldn't have much trouble keeping up with current Alliance production rates if they had anything worth producing.
And actually, yes, I do think that it would be possible for an SLN fleet in hyperspace could win important victories. It would depend on a number of things going the SLN's way and some solid SLN planning but yes, it could happen. Of course one has to define what SLN victory means at this point.
What the SLN needs to do is seriously blood the Alliance if only to show the League that it can be done. So even in defeat the SLN can accomplish a great deal if they can manage to take enough GA units with them.
A higher level of victory would be one where the SLN units to actually make a Alliance force turn aside from their objective.
Remember, anything remembling a bloody draw is going to represent a stunning victory for the SLN.
While you can't win the way in this way, you can, if successful, force the Alliance to proceed more cautiously and provide heavy unit support for any task forces penetrating into League space.
And yes, what the League most needs right now is time. It has the population, it has the industry and it has the wealth. What it desperately needs is the time to begin to pull all of this together. If the SLN can buy some of that with the equipment it currently has, then that helps give the League a chance in an outright conflict with the Alliance. I really don't see a scenario in which giving the League more time to sort itself out as being a bad thing for the League.