Brigade XO wrote:
SLN and any other non-GA production of LACs for anti-missile defence is going to be hindered by shortfalls in tactical control of said defence and the ranges they are going to have to work with. That doesn't mean they can't do better than current SLN version LACs, it just means that they are going to have to build and crew a lot more of them and try and get them in place to be usefull in enough numbers and with enough weapons and fire control to let the SLN (or any other navy) get close enough to effectivly engage the GA.
The idea is to use a brute force approach rather than something more intelligent if you will simply because they don't have the advantage of the more intelligent option at the moment and will likely not have them for a few years in the future.
Yes, they will have to build, crew, supply and maintain a lot more LAC's and other light combatants but this is something that has to be done. Plus we are talking about adding incremental technological advancements with the addition of research and field experience. What they get out of the whole effort? They jump start their fleet, they get the infrastructure capable of supporting the expanding fleet and most important of all is the manpower they get to train. The core worlds have no options, they need to find weapons from somewhere, find someone to protect them or accept that they will be the target of every pirate, raider and every person with a fleet and desire to build an empire.
The point is that you can design and build effective defence/offence platforms if you 1) understand the needs of the missions (always multiple missions), train for it, have enough tactical sensors that are going to give you the information you need and are willing to put your units into harms way (understanding that your ARE going to lose a lot of people and ships) to keep the enemy from getting through to do accomplish their mission.
Yes, and when push comes to shove the military is there to do that. There are numerous examples where a military formation is used to slow down an enemy with horrendous cost to it's servicemen, we have seen examples of Manticoran, San Martin, Grayson and Havenite crew's sailing into their deaths willingly to buy someone a little more time, to damage an enemy a little more in order to give the next wave a little edge or buy the evacuation ships some time to get to Manticore. If there is courage in those nations and people willing to die to protect their nations why does everyone assume that the former League members are different? They might not have the same level of loyalty and dedication to the League but to their home systems? I have no doubt that the majority can command similar devotion from their population.
Can the SLN and, shortly, the numbers of Former SL member systems and various indedpent systems that join together for mutual defence and support come up with enough improvements to, primarily, beat off such former SLN and other forces (pirates, warlording systems) to keep themselves safe? So far it is not the GA and it's treaty partners that the core worlds and out into the Verge have to worry about. Its everybody else who used to be under the nominal protection of the SLN/OFS who is going to want to carve out a larger (than their own system) of territory to control at the expence of neighbors.
Everyone would be starting with the same handicap and in this case whoever is willing to put in the most effort, money and resources into building their defences has the best chance to remain free and prosperous. Those not willing or able will quickly be spending the same amount of money and resources building up someone else empire.