Jonathan_S wrote:
That does happen to match the Mk31 CM and Viper's times. But is also matches the apparent powered time of the Andy's EDM (and there's only a marginal difference in accel; 500g) giving them virtually identical ranges. But now we're back to conflicting with the (possibly badly worded) fight in WoH between the Mantie CA and the 3 Andy CLs where it says the CA was able to open fire at 15 Mkm but the CLs not until 12 Mkm...
Bolded: Why I think there was an improved, roughly 10Mkm super light DD missile that RFC has simply never bothered to tell us about. We also, very briefly, saw it off-hand mention in SoSag(Went something like: Forget name of ship, is an Avalon class CL I believe, able to open fire at slighlty further range than the much older obsolete Chanson class DD's but not as far as the other CA whom I presume had the MK14. Anyways. The 15Mkm and 12Mkm numbers would match if we add in initial closing velocity between the two ships.
Gah, you are going to force me to go read SoSag last battle again. Poor me. So, sad what will I do?