HungryKing wrote:People I would like to point out that we don't actually know that much about current SLN designs. Yes, we know that the Nevadas possess an all grazer broadside design, but the only other 'modern' SLN design we have seen is the Gladiator, about which we don't even have a true tonnage range.
Furthermore, the Nevada is a Battle Fleet design, for all we know the grazer armament is actually an anachronism, remember HoS established that 'all-grazer' designs existed before, admittedly it was a heavy cruiser, but the point remains. All grazer broadsides were not invented by the Graysons, instead they convinced the RMN to return to the idea, for the matter the Andies had SDs that were all grazer broadside (admittedly this was because they had suppressed the lasers in order to fit extra missile tubes [which also would seem to fit the BC doctrine that BF would be operating under, matter of fact BF doctrine with regards to BCs might be similar to Grayson doctrine, with the added twist of having them serve double duty as the people who cut down the opponent's wounded, ala the shrike]).
Well, the Nevada's are "Fleet" designs which are used by both battle fleet and frontier fleet and are the current state of the art in the SLN in their class.
We actually don have some decent data on other SLN designs such as the Scientist and Vega class SD's with the Vega being the slightly larger and more powerful variant. I believe we also have some insight into certain specifics on the Rampart and War Harvest DD designs.
We can also conjecture much about their likely capabilities based on other evidence presented. SLN designs are built for the type of combat which existed around the time of the first Haven Manticorian Alliance war so we're not talking pre-Buttercup we're talking PRE-Buttercup. We know that the SLN are not innovators and for many of the reasons that say the Royal Navy in our own history is not. When you have the largest navy in the universe by a large margin, you don't want to introduce technical innovations that may make thousands upon thousands of warships obsolete overnight and place both you and your rivals at square one.
We know that the Solarians have been doing their best to ignore advancements in the Haven sector but there also has been evidence of some ongoing modest advancements such as the Halo EW system but nothing earthshattering.
Chances are current SLN designs are similar to the kinds of vessels you would have seen fighting for Manticore or Haven in the early stages of their war with some minor to modest advancements.