Brigade XO wrote:Manticore and the Andermani end up with the computer dump from at least the Volsung base and whatever was pulled from the Volsung ships and shared by the Andermani with Manticore.
Manticore also gets whatever was shared with it by Haven in the run-up too and after the destruction of Gensonne fleet.
They have a lot of information, from two signifcant Volsung locations (the stolen computer and the orbital base) plus shared info from two seperate star nations. Not clear if the Andermani are talking much with Haven. Are they sharing old and new info about the Volsung, probably not.
So Manticore has lots of data, has to work through it and they have the information they got from the Volsung ships destroyed at the Battle at Manticore and what they could get electronicaly etc on the Llyn incursion that was to be the occupation of Manticore. Travis and Chomps are really good about both getting down to the actual information through the inscription and they have time. How long did it take them to -after stealing it and apparently getting away unidentified- to break the incription and dig out the location of the Volsung base? Now these two and other people will be drilling into multiple other datasets and comparing notes. Who, what, where, where, why? Names, code-names, locations, logistic needs and acquisitions, contacts, agents, payments (from where, how, by whom)...the list goes on and on. Manticore is seriously motivated to get to the bottom of this. They probably have more raw data and more point of things to compare than either the Andermani or Haven at this point because they came by it from two differnt operations by two differnt ships working with to differnt sets of at least temporary partners in taking out the Volsung organization. So who hires the Volsung and when and what were the ship movements and on and on and on.
It's analysis and puzzle solving. They are really sure their lives and the survival of the Kingdom depends on it. They want to stop this before they have to have a third confrontation, this one another battle, in the Manticore System. Lets to kill them somewhere elce before the come back at us......seems like a plan along with building up the RMN to be frgging dangerous to poke.
I doubt that the Andermani and Haven talk a lot. They are pretty far removed. But I could see the Andermani sending a embassy/intelligence mission to Haven to determine what happened to try to determine if Genesonne is really dead.