runsforcelery wrote:It would have come in in electronic format which would have gone directly into the EARC bundle and would easily have met Baen's original August 15 schedule.
How long is the usual delay between turning in a manuscript and Baen getting the eARC out? No ulterior motive for asking...
kzt wrote:Apparently it was just a bad lot of hard drives...
Hard drives have a pretty well documented "bad batch" phenomenon. They are normally very reliable for several years but if one dies prematurely then usually most of the others from the same batch will also do so. This is why if you want really high reliability you pick different manufacturers/models or at least try to space out the purchases to get different manufacturing batches.
NervousEnergy wrote:runsforcelery wrote:I normally actually average about 5,500 to 7,500 on a normal working day
There are a ton of highly successful, professional writers that would be ecstatic with a THIRD Of that...
No kidding, I know someone who writes fanfic on his spare time and he can usually write that much in a month.