Northstar wrote:The Mandarins are in touch with reality? Really? I wish. But no evidence they are remotely capable of that so far.
They seem to be focused on CYOA big time and on saving the League only so far as that helps with the CYOA project. In a sort of nebulous faux sentimental way they may have a bit of nostalgia on the subject but ... just no evidence of the sort of Cincinnatus guts and honor it would take to even attempt to fix the mess they have created and nourished with their dumbfanny arrogance and sociopathic mindsets.
I don't think this is fair to them. They are specialized bureaucrats, which means each of them has an automatically narrow, specialized focus which makes them both (1) bad at looking at and (2) unlikely to pay attention to anything outside their own immediate bureaucratic concerns. Moreover, their arrogance is well founded - none of them has any reason to think that Manticore has the combat capability to actually pose a military threat to a Star Nation that is
literally a thousand times its size.
This is the product of their inheritance of about four centuries of "it's just the way things are done" bureaucratic corruption. Even if any of them had wanted to reform the system, they never had the impetus (or political authority) to try. And now that Manticore has provided the impetus, their principal concern is (understandably) trying to keep the whole thing together - which, conveniently, requires them to play CYOA since if they fail to do that, everyone gets to see the Emperor without his clothes and the whole thing flies apart. Moreover, they still don't have the political authority to initiate any kind of constitutional reforms.
The long term problem was structural, and can't be pinned on any one of the Mandarins. Replace them with other people and you're not likely to get any different results.
The short term problem, though, was Rajampet. Rajampet was the one whose job it was to protect the League militarily and stay up to date on the military technology of the day. Not only did Rajampet fail to do that, he prevented the Mandarins from getting the information they would have needed to make smart decisions by not sharing things like Crandall and Filareta's forward deployments.
Now, even Rajampet is partially forgivable, because thinking that Manticore might actually be willing and able to take on the League in a large-scale military confrontation was crazy was completely reasonable (even if its ability to cripple the league's economy was perfectly predictable, at least in the short term). He's mostly unforgivable, though, since he intentionally threw all the gasoline to start the fire that put Manticore and the League at each others' throats.