HEAVY SPOILERS FOLLOWING(Though this is kinda silly to write in a thread which is marked as (SPOILERS). Just making sure that nobody cries in the end.
My wtf moment of the novel:
The Harrington-genome is actually a Mesan-Alignment Alpha-line gone AWOL.
Didn't see
that coming at all.
I liked how the book tied things up. I was always wondering how RFC would manage to bring the Malign down in just one book... but he didn't have to.
Just tied up the war with the Solarian League and left the debris field for the next generation to clean up. Nice. ^^
If I've got *any* grievances with the book, it's that I feel like RFC's has cheated a bit on his "I write military SciFi, and in that people die" philosophy.
The first thing which rubbed me wrong was that both Captain Peterson's lover and Admiral Kotouc had the luck to belong to the 3% of the people which survived.
I mean, from an emotional standpoint it's nice. I just thought that... it was kinda unlikely for this to happen. 97% of them die, but among the survivors are the hero and a love interest. Dunno... ^^;
Same goes for Hamish's and Jacques' survival, just way more. That really felt like a totally-predictable emotional upbeat moment from any cheap flick. Where you *know* that something bad will happen, but that in the end everything will be good - because that's what the ancient script dictates.
I felt like "Wow, that's really hard on Honor." when all of it happened. "I didn't think she'd get it this hard."
But when the rescue party found something, I immediately went to "Oh my God... is RFC
really doing know what I think he's doing? But but but... he can't! That would be cheesy to the max!"
Imho, the better way would have been to let the reader know (after a short chapter of uncertainty) that they survived but still were in some danger. And on Honor's side, nothing would have changed at all.
But apart from this I liked it.
And a nice Reverse Chekhov's Gun again. Quite literally.
I fully expected a Mesan assassination party to pop up when the tree-cats got their guns. Instead... nothing happens.