jdtinIA wrote:What missiles? The "seccies" didn't use any missiles before, why should they start now? All the explosions were caused by the seccies smuggling the bombs ( provided of course by the GA ) into their target areas.
Then why didn't they use it to save General Palane before 10th Fleet arrived. Or why not nuke the centers of government or military bases or shuttleports. Why the "F" nuke a nature preserve?
If the seccies had nukes earlier, then why not use them? If they didn't have the nukes until 10th fleet arrived, how did the Manties get them down without being noticed? If 10th fleet nuked the planet, how did they deliver them if no missiles traces were witnessed? Those would be very hard to miss.
Bottom line is that Sollies will blame the Manties because there was no one else even remotely capable of doing this besides the Manty's boogeymen. And everyone knows that's a myth. The fact that so much of this attack is similar to the mysterious Yawata Strike is irrelevant for now. As time passes and cooler heads prevail, more people will see that just as the Yawata Strike crippled the SEM's production capabilities, the Mesa strikes crippled the GA's interstellar reputation. Both are essential for the SEM and yes, the GA to survive against a human galaxy galvanized against them.
Raoul and Katherine will have a steep hill to climb to beat Albrecht's kids. But hey! They have treecats and they have the strength of 10 for their hearts are pure! Well, Raoul has the strength of 10 'cause he's a genie and Katherine's heart is pure.