HB of CJ wrote:n7axw; excellent point. As a historical note here on planet Earth back in about 1989-90 or so, just before the economic collapse of the Soviet Union, some western analyists suggested that the Soviets were in fact spending over 50% of their total economic product on defense and defense related expendures. They could not endure that and they collapsed.
You can all see where I am going with this. But remember ... it is just very good Space Opera Science Fiction and leave it at that. Taxes must have been crushing for Manticore during the first and second wars. No way around it. How can just one kingdom survive against many well industrialized Haven planets? The real answer is that they could not.
It's a question of how well you can mobilize resources. Haven had a vast population that was poorly educated, incapable of much participation in a modern economy, and sucking up resources from it on the dole. Haven's crude, inefficient industry could build a crude, inefficient fleet with what it had left over from feeding the Dolists.
Manticore, by contrast, had a highly educated populace that was
working, and an income base that included not just their output but - much more than that - trade income from the entirety of the Solarian League, the size of which at lest you're quite right to emphasize. Productivity per capita was incomparably higher, and it was feeding a high-tech industry building a high-tech navy.
Now flash forward a little bit to the GA vs the Sollies. In my humble view, the GA is doomed. They could shoot off ALL of their neat long range missiles and only slightly dent the Sollies. All the Sollies have to do is get their econcomic act together, fight to win and the GA is doomed. I see no way around this. It is a matter of quantity vs quality ... and taxes.
Taxes. The League can't raise them. The League - not the system governments composing it, the
League - is funded by trade and service fees. The trade income is down the toilet with the withdrawal of Manticoran hulls and the shutting of the wormhole network; the service fees from the protectorates are going up in smoke as the Verge goes up in flames.
Fighting to win - who's going to fight for the Solarian League? It inspires no loyalty, no patriotism. Its military is composed of Byngs and Crandalls on one side, and Palanes, Harahaps, and Roszaks on the other. There's a thin little cream of Thurgoods and al-Fanudahis in there, but even then, they're not going to die for the League, or ask their crews to, if they've a choice. And the GA at least is good about giving them that choice, and the same choice to the member systems - leave the League, leave its service, and the landing will be soft.
I'm sure two thousand often advanced, heavily populated, well educated and industrialized systems could kick the Grand Alliance around. If they cared to. They won't.