Vince wrote:SWM wrote:Are there some specific quotes you are referring to? I don't recall David using much German except as ship names.saber964 wrote:You forgot naval and noble ranks. E.g. Grosse Admiral Herzog Von Rabinstrange translated Grand Admiral Duke of RabinstangeSWM wrote:Ah, yes, those, but David got those titles from history. He didn't make them up himself.
What about Korvetten Kapitän and Kapitän der Sterne, both from:Italics are the author's.War of Honor, Prologue wrote:"Com confirms it, Sir." Korvetten Kapitän Engelmann sounded as if he couldn't quite believe his own report.
"You're joking." Kapitän der Sterne Huang Glockauer, Imperial Andermani Navy, commanding officer of the heavy cruiser IANS Gangying, looked at his executive officer in astonishment. "Code Seventeen-Alpha?"
Those are both ranks. Korvettenkapitan is used by the current German navy for what is basically Commander (junior grade) and Kapitan der Sterne means "Captain of the Stars" and parallels Kapitan zer See (Captain at Sea) used in the German Navy.