cthia wrote:Remember, even with the Havenites, Honor and other officers would hazard a guess as to the location of an SLN flagship because they knew that there MO was to place its flag on an SD "in the middle" of the formation. It always reminded me of playing Stratego and growing accustomed to where one likes to place their flag. Honor, as far as I know, was the only officer who tended to like to wrap her bacon in a less than optimum package. Which none of her officers liked.
Putting a flagship in the very middle of the wall minimizes communication speed lag to the edges of it. It also, alas, puts the flagship in a predictable position. Varying the position by a bit still leaves you with most of the command loop benefit without being quite in the middle of a bulls-eye.
Commanding from one of a force's less powerful units is fairly common in the books, though still a divergence from standard practice in the universe. Lester Tourville stuck to BC flagships in the late Peep era, to avoid being in a unit likely to get targeted in the crush of walls. Any flag officer commanding from a CLAC gets that, such as Honor for the Silesian/Marsh operations in
War of Honor or Alice Truman at First Manticore. In those cases, if I recall correctly, Honor wanted mostly to retain Rafe Cardones as he flag captain and didn't want to disrupt things so much as to take him off to another ship to do so, and Truman inherited command at First Manticore due to so many seniors getting killed. Staying with a preferred/familiar flag captain and flagship kept Mike Henke on a less-than-the-largest ship in 10th Fleet after it got reinforced.
In any case, with formations opening up only a little and FTL communications opening comms up vastly, the rationale for being in the middle of the wall is gone. There may be a morale point in sharing the danger with the ships drawing fire, but there's a lot of practicality in putting your flag on a ship the enemy has no or little reason to try to target
except to kill the fleet's commanding officer. For my part, I'd rather my CO is able to maintain effective, well-informed command throughout battle than that their butt is just as vulnerable as mine or more so.