SWM wrote:Kizarvexis wrote:Ok, getting the layman's explanation of Lorentz Transformations, they were developed because the speed of light is independent of reference frames. So, if light is dependent on the preferred frame of reference, i.e Hyperspace, does Honorverse physics hold together for FTL travel and time dilation of travelling as significant fractions of the speed of light? Or does having a preferred frame of reference mess up physics in other ways as well?
It depends on what you mean by "mess up physics."

Having a preferred frame of reference does indeed eliminate problems of FTL travel, time dilation, and so on. Basically, it breaks the Special Theory of Relativity. But hypothetically, it is possible to have a consistent physics that does not have Relativity. Physics before Relativity worked just fine, as long as you assumed a preferred frame of reference and didn't have any data contradicting it. There are some other consequences, in particular in the theory of gravity. Perhaps that explains some of the oddities in Honoverse gravitics.
SWM and I disagree on certain aspects of FTL, especially as it relates to the Honorverse. I alluded to certain of my disagreements regarding travel through hyper.
In the context of the original problem there is an exchange of information. Two different references, two different worlds. If you indeed follow the physics down the rabbit hole, as I do inside the Schwarzschild radius, the ugly gremlins begin to materialize in the form of quantum entanglements in mechanics. It will all come around to the many-worlds interpretations and other paradoxes. More holes for the rabbit.
But, absent the Special Theory of Relativity, time travel can be made to work in theory - within a very constrained box! However, science fiction, for the sake of science fiction, begins tacking on(npi) other "possibilities" that mathematically just isn't possible, down the rabbit hole.