Uroboros wrote:I hate to be the sole dissenting opinion, but I have to disagree. While overall, I enjoyed much of the book, I have to say that the first half of the book felt out of character to Weber's writing style. It felt, in many cases, like a series of first-drafts roughly shoved together in semi-order.
There's a couple of subplots that did not seem to go anywhere, and there's one pair of scenes, while induvidually well-written, felt very deus ex-ish. Both Cachet and Zilwicki felt unusually out-of-character during the first few scenes they were in, and I feel like it could have used a lot more time for revising and editing.
That being said, it is like someone else entirely wrote the second half of the book. I enjoyed it immensely, and after getting Cachet and Zilwicki to Mesa, I had trouble putting down the book.
While I feel that the good outweighed the bad, I feel that is was just barely. I think it was an okay showing, and with a few more months with the editors, it could have been a lot better.
I think the first half was deliberately written that way to prepare the way for the second half. It contains several scenes taken either directly from earlier books, or relating directly to scenes in earlier books. Mr Weber has done that before, though not to such an extent. But then again, I don't even want to think about how many trees died to print a single paper copy of the book.
Still, it's a matter of personal taste, and overall, I definitely think this was the best ever in the series.