cthia wrote:The Leonard Detweiler Class are superdreadnaught size warships and the MA were planning to build a large number of these ships. I don't understand why the Alignment would build ships that would effectively be of no use once the GA are able to detect them, considering their tactical shortcomings...acceleration, lack of sidewalls.
The very notion of calling it a superdreadnaught escapes me. As I understand it, ship to ship battles are not what they are designed for?
Actually, we don't know how big the Leonard Detweiler class is. There are no clues in the books, except that they are big enough to launch graser torps from internal magazines. Remember that they have no upper size limit imposed by inertial compensators. And there is no reason they couldn't have bubble sidewalls, perhaps even buckler sidewalls if they've figured out how to do them. As for being of no use once the GA was able to detect them, David once said that the Mesan Alignment would be stupid to build a large ship if it couldn't stand up to the wall of battle. Most of us don't think David is setting the Alignment up as stupid, so we surmise there are tum-te-tums coming up with the Detweilers.
My point is this. It seems the GA royally screwed the pooch.
Why didn't they just wait until all their ships were built before they even tipped their hand? Then they could have held Haven, Grayson, Manticore, and The League hostage after a few planetary strikes.
Obviously they are aware of their own technologies' limitations. One thing they aren't, is stupid. So what am I missing?
One thing you are missing is that the Alignment did not expect Haven to ally with Manticore. They expected Haven to take advantage of the Yawata Strike and hit Manticore hard. The Alignment had planned all along for some star nation to be the hammer that shattered the weakened Solarian League. That hammer had to be strong enough to actually damage the League and cause the rotten system to break apart, but not powerful enough to threaten Mesan plans after battling the League. Eventually, they chose Haven to be that hammer. They did not predict Manticore's rise to power and the technological revolution they produced. Manticore became a potential hammer against the League, but Manticore was rapidly becoming too powerful. When Manticore suddenly revealed Apollo, it was too much. Manticore had become powerful enough to threaten their plans. They
had to do something to cut Manticore down. The plan was that the Yawata Strike would weaken Manticore enough that Haven could attack. One of the two would win the war, but the victor would be greatly weakened. The victor would still serve as a hammer against the League, but would not be a threat to the Alignment.
Cachat and Zilwicki threw their plan in the shredder. Now both Haven and Manticore know about the Alignment, and are allied together instead of bleeding each other to death. That wasn't supposed to happen.
The MA is very much aware of Manticore's technical prowess. They watched the war between Haven and Manticore raging from the beginning, and they took great joy in watching the juggernaut that is the SLN step into that sausage grinder. Surely they aren't planning to do the same?
Once the ships are built, what could they possibly do, if The GA can easily detect them with successes coming out of Bolthole?
I just cannot see the MA allowing themselves to become grounded in a position to be just as impotent as the SLN, after so much planning and resources spent.
Had things gone according to plan, Manticore's technical prowess would be in tatters. And they would not know who had launched the Yawata Strike. In the aftermath of the expected bloody war with Haven, and then the Solarian League, the mystery would have smoldered but not ignited.