I've been thinking about the mobile fort idea and in my opinion it doesn't bear enough advantages to justify.
To the advantages:
1. It's mobile (obviously ^^)
2. It packs a bigger punch than for example a SP (Size and all) and there is more storage space, which leads to a bigger arsenal.
3. It's harder to destroy (also because of size)
To the disadvantages:
1. Like it has been stated with a tonnage and size that big, the mobility would be reduced to a number which is around 100gees. Compared to the several thousand of gees a normal warship bring to the table, it has a astronomical high response time to threats and its low velocity makes it easily avoidable by enemies. So as a defense solution its more logical to put more firepower in instead of engines.
Also, because these ships are not hyperspace capable (again size) they make no good attack units because they can't really leave the system they where build in.
2. Another disadvantage would be the building and personell cost, as well as the number of personell needed to maintain operations.
3. Because of its low velocity it has nearly no possibilities to avoid an attack. As a result it would be easy to hit without them really picking up on it. Fire a missile so it gets starting velocity, than diactivate the drive so no signature comes up (or use the spider drive *I think* that was used against the orbital stations before). Defense picks missiles up late -> antimissile defense to late to be useful -> only defense is energy range. (i guess the LACs could help there...)
I've just started rereading the series, so if I forgot to consider some new technology please remind me ^^.
And back to topic of new ship ideas:
I've been thinking about the ships that manage the defenses and attacks of several other ships(?moriarty system?) as there only purpose.
So my idea was to build a ship, that tries to access the enemy systems remotely (if possible) and feed it false input, shut systems down, etc. Kind of like a hacker.
Hope you have some feedback for me
