Jonathan_S wrote:Though that request might have come from the Manticore side.
Up until Talbott Manticore was able to more or less slot its new acquisitions into the existing Star Kingdom of Manticore, as round trip transit/messaging times to Trevor's Star or Lynx aren't significantly different than to Gryphon. (Lynx being a bit longer as you have to go through the terminus and then several more LY through hyper -- but not crazy long).
Round-trip times to the Lynx Terminus are the same as to any other terminus and roughly to Gryphon / Manticore-B. Manticore-A is about 7 light-hours from the Junction and 13 from Manticore-B. We don't know the distances from their termini to San Martin, Basilisk, or Beowulf, but those should be around the 5 light-hour mark too. That would put the one-way messaging using the Hermes System at about 15 minutes.
But the Lynx System is about 4 light-years away from the terminus. That's too far for the Hermes buoy system and would be too slow anyway at a mere 62c. A ship that reached the Delta band would travel faster, so the shortest communication would be using couriers. If they could reach an average of 3000c, the trip could be done in about half a day, but they won't be able to because even a 750-gravity courier would need 6.8 hours to accelerate to its max speed and that much again to decelerate, plus the time necessary to climb up and down the bands. Call it about one day for a one-way trip carrying mail, instead of 15 minutes.
Or about 100x longer.
Compare that with the Quadrant, which probably has a one-way time of 5 to 10 days. That's an order of magnitude more again. It doesn't make governance impractical -- we managed to have large countries with delays like that well into the railroad era -- but it would have shown that a different model might be in order.
Talbott, on the other hand, caused Manticore to restructure and create a Star Empire of Manticore of which the SKM and Talbott Quadrant were members. The concerns that led to that probably came up in discussions almost as soon as Manticore got the initial inquires about various Talbott systems potentially joining; and those concerns might have driven a request from Manticore's side for Talbott to organize and enter as a unit instead of as separate systems.
Right. But since that portion was skipped in the books, we don't know how exactly it developed.
It's also possible that the members of the Rembrant Trade Union did vote to join as a bloc, which prompted either or both sides to wonder if an even bigger bloc wouldn't be more interesting.
I think Bernardus van Dort was savvy enough to realise that each system alone wasn't interesting to the SKM. None of them had much value. Some of the members of the RTU may have been richer than Lynx, but Lynx had something none of them did: proximity to the terminus. Moreover, shipping would be cumbersome if only a handful were admitted to the Kingdom and were sparse. So the marginal gain for the SKM would be too small to admit each of the new systems as a unit. However, adding billions of people across a dozen star systems would be a huge market, plus it would facilitate local governance and military presence.