ThinksMarkedly wrote:Otherwise, if Hemphill had chosen an ageing Warrior and we hadn't had Honor in command, it's likely that Parnell's plan to snatch Basilisk off Manticore and thus open the way to annexing Silesia would have worked. At that time, Basilisk Station was seen as punishment duty, so the Warrior sent to relieve HMS Warlock would have been lax in its duties. Then the entire timeline changes because the PRH has less pressure to start the war with Manticore. On the other hand, Manticore has more time to build SDs and put the fruits of Project Gram into practice.
I think the attempt to seize control of the planet Basilisk likely would have worked; at least in the short term. But, as much as the majority in Lords, and thus the Admiralty, didn't like or want Basilisk Station I'm not sure sure that Manticoran public opinion might not have forced their hand and caused a fleet confrontation in the Basilisk system to try to free the planet from Haven.
At the very least it should wake them up to the fact that the wormhole terminus is at risk and trigger a much larger fleet presence defending it - even if Manticore decides not to contest the Republic's new territorial claims on the planet/system. (The terminus it beyond the system territorial limit, so taking over the planet grants Haven no legal claim on the terminus. And the squadron that was showing up of "render assistance" to the planet wasn't planned to try to capture the terminus)
So the success of Parnell's ultimate goal of access to Silesia, unimpeded by Manticore, seems to depend in large part on Manticore's reaction to the occupation of Basilisk. And they may not just walk away from the system like Haven seems to be assuming...