Manticore--> Haven distance looks ~360LY
IEH by written statement in ch: 2 mid point has Haven 1800 LY from Earth in text!

Manticore is 475LY from Beowulf
Beowulf is on Sigma Draconis
Sigma Draconis is ~19LY from Earth
Even if a straight line between Earth->Manticore->Haven this makes distance between Manticore/Haven a ***tidy*** ~1300Ly

Anyway. Just a ... SAY WHAT??? in text. Only way one could POSSIBLY square this is if the author meant ROUND TRIP distance but simply never put it in text or it got edited into oblivion.
Of course next paragraph says 1200LY between Haven-->Erewhon so

Where is the retcon or has this just been swept under the rug over time and I just never noticed?