ThinksMarkedly wrote:cthia wrote:Raoul is the product of an Alpha. Even though a child inherits the DNA of the father, I doubt Hamish dumbed him down too much. And Raoul can receive Academy training while in HS and even graduate Saganami early? Providence can do the rest. That Demon Murphy can put him in command. Murphy don't care how old you are. LOL
That's a baseless argument. The two direct ascendants Raoul has in that Alpha line (Honor and Alfred) do not seem to have extraordinary intelligence. Honor had trouble with maths, remember?
They're very good in their own domains and Honor is definitely the best tactician & strategist of her generation, but she didn't graduate early for anything.

Graduating early is not a prerequisite nor precursor for intelligence. Neither is doing well on tests. I've championed this argument for Honor before. She did NOT have trouble with math. She had trouble with math on formal tests. Actually, Honor was somewhat a natural with math, as long as she didn't think about it. She could essentially do it in her head in a pinch.
At any rate, if being the best strategist and tactician of her time doesn't indicate a very high intelligence, I don't know what does.
Honor didn't graduate early, but Honor didn't have anyone as a role model but Alfred who himself wasn't on the same career track. Plus Honor and her family had to contend with keeping her genie status under wraps, so graduating early wouldn't have been recommended. Plus, Honor may have held Honor back. Did she even know what she wanted to be when she grew up? She may have been content living inside Nimitz' world, plus preoccupied with her "ugliness."
At any rate, there is no way she and Alfred both are not intellectual giants. No way whatsoever.