Potato wrote:PDF warning:
https://www.usna.edu/Training/_files/do ... G_CH10.pdfStaffs vary widely in size, from the handful of officers and dozen enlisted personnel on the staff of a destroyer squadron commander to the hundreds of personnel assisting the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).
And there is a whole section Titled "Navy Staff Functions". If anything, fleet admirals like Tourville and Harrington have staffs that are
too small. Admittedly, this is probably a consequence of keeping the named cast small for narrative purposes.
Again, let us note that wha the US fleet does is not the same as the RMN. Khumalo would be closer in function to CINCPAC and the First Space Lord the same as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
And they do have large staffs.
Keep in mind that most of the work, including papework, done in the RMN is done on the ships. The staffs working with commanders check out what's happening but mostly organize so the units work together.
That's why there's an ops officer and chief of staff. The comm officer clearly keeps line of communication open and the astrogator is probably very senior and does the basic plan for the fleet.
Ops and Chief of Staff help plan the battles.