Some Notes on Astrography
( All numbers are approximations)
Orion Arm: width = 3500 ly, depth=1000ly, length 10,00ly
There are variations, plus a halo of thinner dispersion.
X,Y,Z coordinates for Sigma Draconis relative to Sol (rounded to three digits)
X= -9.804ly, Y=-17.515ly, Z=6.014ly
Since we know that Manticore is in direct line through Sigma Draconis to Sol
Maintcore’s extrapolated X,Y,Z coordinates at 475ly from Sol are
X=-238701ly, Y=-443.239ly, Z=162.469ly
At 512 ly from Sol they are
X=-267.429ly, Y=-477.765ly, Z=175.125ly
For Basilsik add 100ly to the Manticore Z coordinate