Morphy1701 wrote:I know he's not Navy, but I kinda see George S. Patton as Hamish Alexander's analog. I can even see Hamish carrying around a riding crop like Patton did. Thoughts?
Ugh... Alexander is supposed to be highly competent. While Patton competes for being on the top 10 overrated generals list.
Patton was also very much of a "future of warfare", even if he wasn´t nearly as good at it as he thought he was, Alexander, for all his good sides is quite a lot of a stick in the mud conservative.
I think field marshal Alan Brooke´s comment on Patton is fairly decent: "A dashing, courageous, wild and unbalanced leader, good for operations requiring thrust and push but at a loss in any operation requiring skill and judgment.".
If you look at who he is compared to historically, well, he had something like 20 to a 100 times better odds than Guderian did, yet managed less. So i really have trouble considering him "highly competent".
Ergo, trying to make him an analog of Hamish, no, just NO.