is there still time to correct some minor issues?
Chapter 22
‚You wouldn’t happen to know where i might be able to find any reasonably priced glühen Nussbutter, would you?’
‘glühen’ is just the basic form of the verb (to glow), it lacks the necessary conjugation. Basically it sreads 'reasonably priced glow nutbutter'.
‘glühenden Nussbutter’ would be correct:
‚Sie wissen nicht zufällig wo ich preiswerten glühenden Nussbutter finden könnte?’
Also this one is pretty messed up:
‚The paste made from Liebenden Nußbaum tree possessed…‘
‘Liebenden Nußbaum’ sounds really odd in German. Its direct translation would be kinda like ‚a walnut tree that loves‘. Strange thing, nobody would name a plant like that.
A proper German name for a plant like that would probably be Lieblicher Nussbaum (as in sweet or lovley walnut tree).
Also if you go with Liebend – its either ‘Liebenden Nussbaums’ or ‘Liebender Nussbaum’. Both will sound odd to native speakers in an english sentence, but i would pick the second option.
More importantly, tree translates to Baum in German. ‘Nußbaum tree’ therefore reads as Nussbaumbaum or walnut tree tree. I’d suggest deleting the ‘tree’:
‘the paste made from Lieblicher Nussbaum possessed…‘
And last but not least, ‘Nuß’ is wrong too. There has been a reform in 1996 which changed this, the correct spelling would be ‘Nuss’ (nut).