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Thomas Thiesman

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Re: Thomas Thiesman
Post by Dr. Arroway   » Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:42 pm

Dr. Arroway
Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

Posts: 41
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:52 am

One point I'm willing to concede is that Pritchart's willingness to "fire the first shot" proves handy even to Manticore, when she decides to use her own wallers against the SLN, effectively putting Haven at war with the League.
(even though, technically, Filareta is given the chance to stand down).

Which I'm only saying to underscore that these characters, with different attitudes and "guilt baggages", do serve the story well in a neatly "coordinated" arc.
Re: Thomas Thiesman
Post by kenl511   » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:44 am

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 353
Joined: Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:01 am

lyonheart wrote:

Size limits on AAC required RFC to cut some of the background explaining why Eloise was trusted to keep her word by neutrals etc, which along with other books' deleted sections I'd like to read in some future anthology or collection.

Suggested titles might include "Info Dumps Deleted Only For Space Reasons". ;)

Feel free to suggest even better ones. :D


The comprehensive Honorverse Pearls of Weber.

Or maybe

RFC says so: the infodumps.

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