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Hades and food conservation

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Re: Hades and food conservation
Post by Direwolf18   » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:29 pm

Captain of the List

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Joined: Fri Dec 21, 2012 3:39 pm

The way I looked at it, if they REALLY wanted to they could have probably preserved food. The guards made it difficult not impossible. That being said, oh great you spent x number of years scrimping and saving food. Now what? Your going to rise up and attack a single shuttle? You think for one second the guards are going to go, "OMG they have MONTHS of food stockpiled! What are we going to do! We only have our massive amount of aircraft and heavy combat armor and tanks! Oh the horror! They can temporarily ignore our attempts to starve them to death! SAVE US ST. JUST! SAVE US!" and then surrender on mass? The odds of rushing a shuttle and capturing it without any warning getting off were negligibly small. There is a reason Honor opted to blow it up when the one (small) chance to rush it became impractical. Even then if she didn't have all the supplies off the assault shuttles she still wouldn't have been able to secure camp Charon.

Realistically all you would accomplish would be to set off a prison uprising that has 0 attempt of actually getting off planet, that could be crushed by the much better armed and equipped guards. The only reason Honor was able to succeed was because she had complete and TOTAL surprise. Its interesting to note that she goes on and on about surprise being simply miss interpreting what you actually already saw, yet in that book she pulls of total and complete surprise more then a few times.

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