The passage is between (ex) SGT Suprakit X and a rescued slave.
...“I don’t recommend it myself, as a matter of fact.” He made a gesture, indicating his uniform. “There’s a reason I quit and joined the Marines. The Ballroom…Well, let’s just say they’re going through an identity crisis. It ain’t pretty to watch, believe me.”
“Well, yeah, sure. The Ballroom’s whole purpose pretty much got the legs cut out from under it once Torch was created. It didn’t help any that Jeremy quit also, of course. But even if he’d stayed in charge I think the Ballroom would be having a rough time.”
He drained the coffee out of his cup. “What do they do now? Keep shooting slavers one at a time? Or in small batches, at best? Even with explosives they can’t do as much damage as a warship or a Marine battalion.”
“So what will they do now?” she asked.
“Don’t know. And since I didn’t want to stick around long enough to find out, I joined the Marines as soon as they started recruiting.” Supakrit paused for a moment, thinking. “I figure they’ll wind up doing one of two things. The dumb thing to do would be to keep up the terror campaign. The smart thing would be to dissolve the Ballroom and reconstitute it as a political party.”
And given the ending of Cauldron and the storyline in Shadows of Freedom, it is even more interesting.
What do terrorists do when the object of their terrorism is gone?
Jeremy X is one example, but let's face it, he may be murderous but he is also quite intelligent. There is no guarantee that all Ballroom members are. Left without purpose but with one undeniable skill, they may end up scattered abouot the Galaxy, either still hunting Manpower folks who have gone to ground or as 'sell-swords' using their skill at mayhem for the highest bidder.
Most will not end up like Jeremy, however--ruthless killers normally do not play well in 'civil' society, once said society is up and running.
So what do you do with the Audubon Ballroom?